Bright Comets of 2024

Bright comets of 2024

2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for comet enthusiasts, with several comets expected to grace the night sky reaching naked eye or binocular viewing brightness. This guide provides detailed information on each of these comets, including their history, discovery, expected visibility, and the best times and constellations for observing them at their brightest.

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks

Perihelion Date: April 21, 2024
Expected Peak Brightness: Magnitude 4 to 6
Visibility: March 2024 to June 2024

Discovery and History:

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is a periodic comet with a long history, first discovered by Jean-Louis Pons in 1812 and later independently rediscovered by William Robert Brooks in 1883. This comet has an orbital period of about 71 years, with its last perihelion occurring in 1954. The 2024 appearance marks its return after 70 years, making it a significant event for astronomers and comet watchers.


  • March 2024: Hercules, Draco
  • April 2024: Draco, Ursa Major
  • May 2024: Ursa Major, Canes Venatici

Best Viewing Period:

The best time to observe Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks will be in late April 2024, as it passes through the constellation Ursa Major. During this period, the comet will be well-positioned in the evening sky, making it an excellent target for observation. Although the comet will reach perihelion on April 21, it will remain bright and visible in the weeks following, particularly in late April and early May. Look for it near the Big Dipper in Ursa Major, where it should be visible with binoculars or a small telescope.

Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS)

Perihelion Date: October 13, 2024
Expected Peak Brightness: Magnitude 0 to -1
Visibility: September 2024 to December 2024

Discovery and History:

Comet C/2023 A3, also known as Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, was discovered in early 2023 by two separate observatories: the Purple Mountain Observatory in China (Tsuchinshan) and the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) based in Hawaii. The comet quickly gained attention due to its promising trajectory and potential to become one of the brightest comets in recent years.

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is causing quite a bit of excitement in the comet viewing community with the potential to become a very easy naked-eye target.


  • September 2024: Hydra
  • October 2024: Virgo, Libra
  • November 2024: Ophiuchus, Serpens

Best Viewing Period:

Comet C/2023 A3 is gradually brightening as expected and giving no signs of disintegration (always good news!) It will be best observed in early October when it passes through the constellation Libra. Although it is expected to reach peak brightness near its perihelion on October 13, it will be too close to the Sun for comfortable observation at that time. The best period for viewing this comet will be from late September to early October, when it will be visible in the pre-dawn sky. At that time, the comet should be a bright object, visible with binoculars or even to the naked eye under ideal conditions.

Comet 2P/Encke

Perihelion Date: October 25, 2024
Expected Peak Brightness: Magnitude 6 to 7
Visibility: October 2024 to December 2024

Discovery and History:

Comet 2P/Encke is one of the most famous periodic comets, with an exceptionally short orbital period of just 3.3 years. It was named after Johann Franz Encke, who calculated its orbit in 1819. Comet 2P/Encke has been observed for over two centuries, making it a familiar object for astronomers. Despite its frequent returns, each apparition offers a unique opportunity for observation.


  • October 2024: Virgo, Libra
  • November 2024: Libra, Scorpius
  • December 2024: Ophiuchus

Best Viewing Period:

The best time to observe Comet 2P/Encke will be in late October 2024, just after it reaches perihelion. During this period, the comet will be passing through the constellation Libra and into Scorpius. Although it will be brightest near perihelion, it will still be observable in the evening sky after sunset in late October and early November. Look for it in Libra, where it should be visible with binoculars or a small telescope.

Comet 103P/Hartley (Hartley 2)

erihelion Date: December 13, 2024
Expected Peak Brightness: Magnitude 7 to 8
Visibility: November 2024 to January 2025

Discovery and History:

Comet 103P/Hartley, also known as Hartley 2, was discovered by Malcolm Hartley in 1986. This periodic comet has an orbital period of 6.5 years and is well-known among the astronomical community. In 2010, it was visited by NASA’s EPOXI mission, providing detailed images and data. The 2024 apparition will offer another opportunity to observe this small but active comet.


  • November 2024: Auriga, Taurus
  • December 2024: Taurus, Gemini
  • January 2025: Gemini, Cancer

Best Viewing Period:

Comet 103P/Hartley will be best observed in late November to early December 2024, when it passes through the constellation Taurus. Although it will reach perihelion in mid-December, it will be easier to observe in late November when it is still bright and visible in a darker sky before twilight.

The comet should be visible with binoculars in Taurus, near the Pleiades star cluster, providing an excellent opportunity for both photography and observation.